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Wish: I Wish I Could Throw This Movie Down a Well.

This movie is Disney's absolute worst piece of cinema. It came out of nowhere, and was a huge disappointment both compared to Disney's previous animated musicals and considering the fact that it was meant to be their 100th anniversary bash.

Image found here. The personified star that doesn't say a single word was my favorite character in this entire movie, and by far the most likable. One might even say it had the most character development.


With that said, let's continue: I watched Wish for the first time with my little sister in mid-April, and it was possibly one of the most awful experience I've ever had. I was acting like that one annoying person at the movie theater; the one that shouts snarky comments at the screen for a full 90 minutes--except for this movie is an astonishing 112 minutes of dumpster fire hell.

I promise that I am not exaggerating. Rather than watching this movie, I'm begging you to save yourself by listening to me rant about how I much I hate it instead. :)